Bartol Mag-Probes keeps our ventilators working in the field

Mag-Probes helps hospital doctors, nurses and technicians, anyone using electric ventilators, by troubleshooting the solenoid valves and isolating electrical issues in the device.  It will also help testing before the ventilators ship. We should all care about having our ventilators and other medical equipment functioning at all times to save lives. Quality control is 100%…

Letter to Elon Reeve Musk – Resonant Frequency Self Powered Power Generator – #RESGEN #BARTOL

#RESGEN #BARTOL Bartol Research “Resonant Frequency Self Powered Power Generator” Created by the Same Company that Solved A SPACEX Welding Problem Using Bartol Mag-Probes   Dear Elon Musk, With all due respect,  The following is the Ultimate Power Generator which is available for your inspection at the USPTO website on Tuesday December 3, 2019. This generator…