Bartol Research
“Resonant Frequency Self Powered Power Generator”
Created by the Same Company that Solved A SPACEX Welding Problem
Bartol Mag-Probes
Dear Elon Musk,
With all due respect, The following is the Ultimate Power Generator which is available for your inspection at the USPTO website on Tuesday December 3, 2019.
This generator does not use, Hydroelectric, Solar, Wind, Natural Gas, Oil, Coal, or any another relevent sources. The Generator is started with one tiny pulse. Once started, it continues to generate Power until physically stopped since it provides its own energy. It is self powered. The size of the generator can range from a shoebox to the size of a nuclear Power Plant. We are facing power losses across America with a death toll of 275 million if an EMP strikes. I’ve Focused my attention on inventing A non-polluting generator that could replace the loss of the power grid due to an EMP strike. The output is unlimited and is very easy to manufacture. The gravity of an EMP is so great that America could collapse. My first power generator that I invented did not meet my expectations, but this generator went far beyond my expectations. If set up correctly it could power your new truck and you would not have to stop to recharge batteries. Just climb in your Tesla Truck, start the vehicle, and go. You would not have to stop at charging stations ever again.
This one, reaches all my goals.
1. It’s nonpolluting 2. Easily produces more than enough to replace the loss of the power grid. 3. Does not need to use transmission wires between locations 4. Will not be destroyed by an EMP strike 5. Will be able to supply power to all isolated locations 6. Manufacturing the power generator is the ultimate in simplicity 7. It is extremely cost-effective. 8. Is self powered once started by one short pulse. 9. Can be manufactured by the hundreds of thousands within several months.