The Bartol Mag-Probe Solenoid Valve and Relay Tester
is Very Simple, Portable and Easy to Operate. There are many applications for the Mag-Probe and it has the ability to dramatically increase incremental profits by reducing troubleshooting Costs.
The Bartol Mag-Probe Is Used To Quickly Test Solenoid Valves & Relays in the Aircraft Maintenance Industry.
In Aircraft Maintenance the Bartol Mag-Probe Solenoid Valve and Relay Tester
creates a rapid turnaround time when troubleshooting Commercial & Military
Airplanes increasing safety by Detecting any Residual Magnetitism within any
Solenoid Fuel Valve
Important Note: Just like the aircraft industry the elevator industry requires a rapid turnaround time when trouble shooting so people can be transported quickly without delays.
One Elevator Maintenance Group Conducted a Survey and reported they realized a net profit increase of $10,000 per year in maximized productivity based off reduced trouble shooting time for each Mag-Probe placed into service.