To the Governor of Texas:
Tesla said,” frequency Plus vibration equals Energy.” This power generator US patent number 104 981 73 is the answer.
Magnets are the source for power. The question is, how is this power extracted from the magnets. By using the resident frequency of the magnets. This can be accomplished by using this patent. By using the illustration in figure 1 the power can be generated. This is only a basic configuration. A more advanced method is not illustrated in the patent. I’ve retained this information for America.
China would like to know how I gained the sensitivity in the MAGPROBE. But I didn’t give China my trade secret. They watch all my technical procedures that I post on Linkedln. Please see my email I received from Hong Kong. The following is a link to them. This trade secret as valuable for their military operations, ie testing leach relays.
Now for a bit more information about the power generator.
The generator is valuable not only in military applications but civilian applications. The power grid can be disabled by several methods. What could we do if it fails? Not Much. An EMP, generated from natural causes from outer space or a nuclear explosion above the earth. America could be without power for more than a year. This core principle of the power generator would supply Power that is not susceptible to an EMP.
The Resonant Frequency Power Generator (LINK FOR MORE INFORMATION)
The Objective, An oscillator radiating a frequency tuned to cause a permanent magnet to vibrate when the resonant frequency of the permanent magnet is achieved. With only one source oscillator, it’s possible to cause all magnets inside the resonant frequency Power generators to vibrate and generate a voltage output. The coil is wound around the magnet but not touching the coil this allows the magnet to vibrate without touching the coil, thus generating a voltage output.
Therefore, one oscillator Will be able to activate multiple resonant frequency generators. Within the oscillators of range. A small voltage output from several resonant frequency generators is fed back to the source oscillator to power the source oscillator. The voltage gain from the generators far exceeds the required Power necessary to operate the Source generator.
There is not a physical connection between oscillator and the resonant frequency generators. Therefore, one variable frequency oscillator is able to radiate a frequency to multiple· resonant frequency generators without creating a load on the oscillator.
I am not competing with the primary sources of energy for example Nuclear, Coal, Wind Hydro, Natural gas and Solar, my objective is to supply power if the power grid fails. Due to an EMP strike that hits the earth also tornadoes hurricanes and other natural disasters such as rain. My patent, the resident frequency power generator patent number 1049 8173 dated 3 December 2019. It’s inexpensive, simple to produce and can be manufactured rapidly by the millions in a few months.
The objective is to select one or more companies to produce this power generator using the war Powers act, then sell them at low prices in order that they be made available to all income families ventilators were produced using the same act by American companies that manufactured them by the millions .In a few months. I’ve bee blessed with the ability to invent. I also donate to the National Guard and active-duty forces to protect them from roadside bombs which is classified. Recently Peter Fry suggested the time may be right for a EMP attack which he referred to as an attack like Pearl Harbor. This power generator that I’ve invented was granted in ·only three months and 20 claims we’re approved. This is an extremely rare occasion in our history.
The US patent and trademark office publishes these patents every year and makes them public but to do so I consider it a mistake sense China can produce these power generators once they have the details in the patent. However I did not disclose everything I discovered in the patent that was published.
Robert J Bartol Jr
(208) 866-7895