Delta Airlines Reduce Flight Cancellations Due to a Consistently Better Maintenance Management Program
Flight delays cost $32.9 billion, passengers foot half the bill
By Ann Brody Guy, College of Natural Resources | October 18, 2010
BERKELEY —The cost of domestic flight delays puts a $32.9 billion dent into the U.S. economy, and about half that cost is borne by airline passengers, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.The research was commissioned by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the final report was delivered to the agency today (Monday, Oct. 18).The comprehensive new study analyzed data from 2007 to calculate the economic impact of flight delays on airlines and passengers, the cost of lost demand, and the collective impact of these costs on the U.S. economy. The study authors found that increased delays directly correlate with increased costs. Read More . . . .
The Mag-Probe is currently being used in the American Airlines Overhaul Facility in Tulsa Oklahoma and we are currently looking into contacting Delta Airlines to help them lower their Aircraft Downtime and Reduce their Cancellations and Flight Delays.