Demagnetization Test

Demagnetization Test Conducted Using the Mag-Probe

Demagnetization Test Conducted After Making Magnetized Metal Part Crack Test An Academic/Professional wrote in a Cole-Parmer Review. “We use it to ensure magnetism is present and then to make sure the magnetism is gone after our checking for cracks.”   The magnetization and demagnetization test process can be lengthy as you will see by Reading the…

Oil and Gas Worker Lay Offs Continue

Oil and Gas worker lay offs continue to rise as crude oil nears $40.00 per barrel.  Goldman Sachs raises the possibility of oil dropping to $20.00 per barrel.  With lay offs around the world at a record high of over 250,00 employees the oil and gas workers that remain must work more efficiently and use tools that…

Boeing 767

Mag-Probe Test Keeps Boeing 767 from Being Grounded for Good

On August 19, 2015 a problem occurred with one of the relays on a Boeing 767 Flight Idle and the Approach Idle control relay.   This problem was causing one of the Boeing 767 engines to run at different rpm’s when they were supposed to be running at the same rpm.   Aircraft Engineer Saemi was working…