Two types of EM would destroy our grid Power network.
One is by a magnetic pulse from outer space hitting earth. And the second by a nuclear weapon being detonated above America 90% of Americans would not survive.
I just can’t imagine kissing my children and grandchildren and my grandparents goodbye. I have decided to donate my invention to everyone in America. That came to mind quickly when I received the patent. 90% would not survive an EMP. It would give everyone a chance to survive. The Generator does not require an input only a single pulse to start producing electricity. It was in the patent office only three months and 20 claims we’re approved. I’m asking President Trump to use his Power to have these generators produced by American companies just as he did the ventilators. All I ask is to have my wife and I buried together at no-cost to my family. I already made arrangements for my children in grandchildren in my will.
Survival of America is at risk.
I have one small addition that would make the power generator more efficient and it’s not in the patent details.
China has been following my inventions for years on my website and linkedin. I finally became wise to their intrusion and denied them access. They have been attempting to reverse engineer the MagProbe and obtain my trade secret. They failed. And finally sent me an email and ask me how did it. Of course I didn’t tell them. Some of it’s applications are classified.
In regard to the power generator once the patent office publishes the patent the Chinese Will begin building the Generator Oh by the way the MagProbe is extremely valuable in maintaining most military equipment used by all branches of the military. Will the power generator work. A magnet Will vibrate at a resonant frequency and generate a vibrating magnetic field. Here we are back to the violin and the wine glass. Simple isn’t it?
God bless America
Robert J,Bartol Jr.