At Bartol Research we have done extensive studies on the rat problem, part of which was to read many articles and posts on rat infestations. We decided to put our heads together and come up with a solution.
According to Animal Planet, rat urine smells terrible and is obviously not something you would prefer to ingest because typically it is non-toxic. Unless of course the urine came from an infected rat in which case it’s a whole different story. Rat urine, along with feces and other bodily fluids, can transmit diseases from rats to
humans. If you need to deal with an area that has been exposed to rodents, proceed with caution and clean it thoroughly, making sure to disinfect or dispose of any infected items.
Planet of the RATS: Interactive graphic reveals how one pair of rats could produce half a BILLION descendants in just three years if left unchecked
- If left unchecked, a pair of rats can produce 482,508,800 descendants in just three years
- Rat pregnancy lasts 21-23 days, with a female rat typically birthing six litters per year, consisting of 5-10 pups
- But rats don’t outnumber humans because some factors keep their populations from spiraling out of control
- Pest controllers, a lack of food and shelter availability, diseases and predators control their populations levels
- Rats also fight and can cannibalize each other, further controlling their numbers when they’re too hig
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Watch the video below if you are concerned with the pestilence these little disease carriers can spread to our families and children.
At Bartol Research we have developed a non-toxic method for killing rats by the thousands Quickly and effectively. The process is so simple it made us wonder why we didn’t think of it sooner. This method will not harm humans or animals. If the funding is available we can begin killing rats and relieving the New York City Rat Problem.
NOTE: Our device does NOT use bait to kill the Rats only to draw them to our device to be exterminated. It is NOT a trap and will kill the Rats within Minutes of contact.
Our device and process can be used effectively in buildings, business and personal residences with small modifications. It will absolutely work. You will be able to drive truck loads of Rats to disposal sites 24/7.
What are we willing to do to make this Happen?
We are willing to reveal our Invention and our process of Rat extermination to any interested investors that are willing to sign a financial letter of intent and commitment providing the process works as specified.
Contact Bob Bartol at Bartol Research at by email or call (208) 866-7895