Increased F-111 Flight Time Award Presented by Colonel Grumbles to TSGT Bob Bartol on June 17, 1968
Bob Bartol Increased the F-111 Flight Time On the First Swing Wing Aircraft Placed into production.
At Edwards Air Force Base in California Bob Bartol Increased F-111 flight time by 9,800 flying hours per year. As a result of this modification the downtime between flights was reduced from 48 hours to 2 hours. This Award was Presented by Colonel Grumbles to TSGT Bob Bartol on June 17, 1968. General Dynamics adopted, completed and installed the modification Bob created. At Present Bob is Working on Creating Devices and Copyrighting Technical Procedures for Manufacturing, Aircraft Maintenance and Health Care Environments. Bob Currently Has 4 Scientific Patents Granted by the U.S. Patent Office and one Patent Pending.
From 1965-1966 Bob collaborated in the R&D for The Skybolt ICBM Missile Project, which was the first ICBM Missile launched from a B-52 Bomber. He then took 9 months of Physics Classes at an Air Force/Navy Institution for Advanced Technical Studies 5 hours per day, 5 days a week, for 9 months. Bob was the primary technical support for R&D at the Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base California having direct contact with the National Bureau of Standards. Bob was also selected to Equip, Organize and Conduct Breakthrough Experiments at the direction of a Senior Research Scientist at a Major U.S. Corp.
To read Bob Bartol’s complete LinkedIn profile Click here
If you have any questions on how Bob Increased F-111 Flight Time please call Bob at (208) 866-7895