Aircraft Industry

Aircraft Industry – Mag-Probe Post Compilation

Aircraft Industry – Mag-Probe Aircraft Post Compilation The following links are a compilation of all the Relevent Aircraft Industry Posts.  This post will enable  aircraft technicians the ability to click this post and find all the information they need in order to troubleshoot solenoid valves, relays, and coils more accurately without having to search for…

Non-Contact Mag-Probe

Non-Contact Mag-Probe Test Instrument Video Overview

Non-Contact Mag-Probe Test Instrument Video Overview This Video Interview with David Kalstrom, CEO of, explains the value of using a Mag-Probe when testing Electrical Solenoid Valves and Relays.  The Non-Contact Mag-Probe has the ability to be used in extreme environments hot and cold, underwater, in a vacuum, from the smallest relays to the largest…