Determine Magnetic Polarity Quickly

Kevin Gittemeier’s Video Shows How To Determine The Magnetic Polarity of a Magnet or Coil which is a Very Useful Application of the Bartol Mag-Probe A voltage or potential difference between two points of an electric circuit has a polarity, describing which of the two points has the higher electric potential. Join Us On: Facebook    …

Intrinsically Safe Underwater Tested Mag-Probe

Kevin Gittemeier’s YouTube Video Shows the Value of the Bartol Mag-Probe which is an Intrinsically Safe Underwater Tested Non-Contact Solenoid Valve and Relay Tool that can be Used in Explosive Environments .     Solenoid valve testers that operate using interchangeable batteries are not  intrinsically safe and are at risk of corroding internal contact points rendering them useless when testing…